Regular Chatters
Commands |
Description |
Example |
/away : away ctrl k reason |
Marks you away. Issuing the away command again marks you as no longer being away ctrl k adds color text |
/away : away (ctrl k) Church right now |
/help |
list commands |
/join #TargetRoomHere |
Joins (enters) a new room |
/join #faith |
/me YourActionHere |
Sends an action message to another member or room |
/me hugs unshakeableservent tight & doesn't let go! |
/msg TargetNicknameHere YourMessageHere |
Send a member a private message |
/msg Stormie How's the Lord been blessing you? |
/msg #roomnamehere messagehere |
sends message to room specified |
/msg #prayer Stormie I see you hehe |
/nick yournewnicknamehere |
Changes your nickname |
/nick Tiff |
/notice TargetNicknameHere YourMessageHere |
Sends a member a "quick" private message (does not open up a Person to Person chat box on their side) |
/notice ditto hi gurl or /msg ditto hi gurl |
/part #RoomNameHere |
Leave the room you are currently in |
/part #youth+chat |
/pass YourPasswordHere |
Sends the password for your registered nickname (passwords are CaSe-SeNsItIvE) |
/pass giftedone |
/quit OptionalQuitMessageHere |
Exit the chat site |
/quit sweet dreams & sleep tight you have yourself a blessed night! |
/services ServicesCommandHere |
Sends a registered room or nickname command |
/services register #nickname passwordhere |
registers your nickname with password |
/services register gabriel angel |
/services set YourNicknameHere pass YourNewPasswordHere |
Change the password for your registered nickname |
/services set gabriel angel messenger |
/services set YourNicknameHere YourNameHere |
adding profile name |
/services set anointed Tiff |
/services set YourNicknameHere YourEmailAddressHere |
adding profile email |
/services set anointed |
/services reset TargetNicknameHere |
resets pass for nick |
/services reset Guardian[A] |
/silence *@TargetMembersHostnameHere |
Ignore everything a member says to you privately or in the room |
/silence heismyhope |
/whois TargetNicknameHere |
Returns information about a member |
/whois PrayerWarrior |
Commands |
Description |
Example |
/akill *@TargetHostnameHere OptionalReasonHere |
(Administrators only) Sets a global server ban on a user |
/akill ditto or /akill * |
/clearakills |
(Administrators only) removes all the global server bans from your server only |
/connect TargetServerNameHere |
(Operators and Admins) Connects another server to your server in the cluster |
/connect unitedpraise |
/globops YourMessageHere |
(Operators and Administrators) Sends a message to the other Operators and Admins |
/globops Hey people Praise the Lord! |
/kill TargetNicknameHere |
(Operators and Administrators) Disconnects a member from the chat site |
/kill Imsoalive |
/kline *@TargetHostnameHere OptionalReasonHere |
(Operators and Administrators) Sets a server ban on a user |
/kline Stormie or /kline * |
/unkline *@TargetHostnameHere OptionalReasonHere |
removes server ban on user |
/unkline Stormie or /unkline * |
/rakill TargetUserid@HostnameMaskHere |
(Administrators only) Removes a global server ban off of your server and off of all currently linked servers |
/rakill |
/oper YourOperIdHere YourOperPasswordHere |
(Operators and Administrators only) Obtain Operator or Administrator Status |
/oper AnOinTeD praise |
/services set TargetNicknameHere admin on |
adding profile status |
/services set anointed admin on |
/setoper TargetNicknameHere +o (or -o to take away) |
To set as Operator |
/setoper servantofGod +o |
/setoper TargetNicknameHere +a (or -a to take away) |
To set as Administrator |
/setoper servantofGod +a |
/squit TargetServerNameHere |
Operators and Administrators) disconnects a currently linked server in the cluster |
/squit |
/tour TargetNicknameHere TargetURLHere |
(Room Moderators and Administrators) Send member on a Web Tour (push) |
/tour livetoserve |
/whowas TargetNicknameHere |
(Administrators) returns a logon history for a user |
/whowas PrayerWarrior |
Commands |
Description |
Example |
/invite TargetNicknameHere and/or #roomname |
(Room Moderators) invites a user to your invite-only room |
/invite ditto #rejoice |
/kick TargetNicknameHere #TargetRoomHere OptionalReasonHere |
Room Moderators and Administrators) Kicks a member out of the room |
/kick livetoserve Hallelujah! |
/msg #roomnamehere messagehere |
sends message to room specified |
/msg #prayer Stormie I see you hehe |
/mode #YourRoomHere +b *@TargetMemberHostnameHere |
(Room Moderators and Administrators) To ban someone |
/mode #rejoice +b * |
/mode # YourRoomHere +v TargetNicknameHere |
To give Strict Moderation Voice to a member |
/mode #rejoice +v zions_child |
/mode # YourRoomHere +o TargetNicknameHere |
To give a member temporary moderator status |
/mode #rejoice +o Heismyhope |
/mode # YourRoomHere +s |
To set room "secret" (won't show up in the list) |
/mode #rejoice +s |
/mode #room YourRoomHere +k YourPasswordHere |
To set a password on the room |
/mode #rejoice rejoice +k secret |
/names |
shows the nicks of every person on the chat site, or just the nicknames of the members in a particular room |
/names (by itself) or /names #rejoice |
/onotice YourMessageHere |
(Room Moderators only) Sends a message to the other Room Moderators |
/onotice watch chat closely |
/services ServicesCommandHere |
Sends a registered room or nickname command |
/services register #YourRoomHere |
registers a room |
/services register #hope |
/services register #nickname passwordhere |
registers your nickname with password |
/services register gabriel angel |
/services set #YourRoomHere greet (ctrl + k) YourGreetingHere |
setting room greet |
/services set #rejoice greet Welcome to Rejoice! |
/services set #YourRoomHere transcripts on |
logs transcripts in room |
/services set #rejoice transcripts on |
/services set #YourRoomHere topic (ctrl + k) YourTopicHere |
adding room topic |
/services set #rejoice topic A Place to Rejoice before the Lord |
/services set #YourRoomHere replay on
| replays logged transcripts |
/services set #rejoice replay on |
/services set #YourRoomHere replaytype lines |
replays logged scripts in lines |
/services set #rejoice replaytype lines |
/services set #YourRoomHere replayamt 10 |
amount of logged scripts played back |
/services set #rejoice replayamt 10 |
/services reset #TargetRoomHere |
/services reset #rejoice |
resets the room & kicks everyone out |
/shun |
to view all your current shuns |
/shun *@TargetMembersHostnameHere |
to add silence a chatter |
/shun heismyhope |
/shun -*@TargetMembersHostnameHere |
to remove silence from a chatter |
/shun -heismyhope |
/silence *@TargetMembersHostnameHere |
Ignore everything a member says to you privately or in the room |
/silence heismyhope |
/tour TargetNicknameHere TargetURLHere |
(Room Moderators and Administrators) Send member on a Web Tour (push) |
/tour livetoserve |
/tour TargetNicknameHere TargetURLHere # TargetRoomHere |
Send user to another room |
/tour livetoserve #music |
/who #TargetRoomHere |
Lists all members in a particular room |
/who #bible-study |
Commands |
Description |
Example |
/help |
list commands |
/links |
Lists all servers in the cluster currently connected to the server you are on |
/lusers |
Returns counts of members, operators, administrators and rooms currently on the chat site |
/motd |
Displays the chat site’s “Message of the Day” information |
/names |
shows the nicks of every person on the chat site, or just the nicknames of the members in a particular room |
/names (by itself) or /names #rejoice |
/stats q |
list prohibited names |
/stats k |
Lists server bans and global server bans on this server |
/stats o |
Lists Operator Definition entries |
/stats u |
Lists the length of time the server has been running |
/stats i |
Lists client definition entries |
/stats m |
Lists available commands |
/stats y |
Lists client and connection classes, and their ping times |
/stats h |
Lists leaves and hub servers in the cluster |
/stats x |
Lists servers that are defined, but are not currently connected |
/stats w |
Lists Connection statistics |
/time |
Returns the server's date and time |
/trace |
For members, lists all the operators & administrators on the server; for operators and administrators, lists of all members |
/who *@HostnamePatternHere |
Lists all members from a particular domain |
/who * |
/who |
Lists all members currently on the chat site |